AM: 65 mins. (23 min. w/u, 20 min. uptempo, 22 min. c/d)
9+ miles
30 mins. strength training
2 mile walk
PM: 4 miles
This morning I had a non-workout workout basically consisting of three miles uptempo. Like I've done before, I intentionally chose the bike path over McAlpine so I wouldn't be concerned about mile markers and splits, and instead just based my effort on feel. I'd estimate I was running about 6:20 pace on the uptempo section, which didn't feel fantastic but wasn't painful either.
After the run I met my new personal trainer Jeff in the fitness center at school to start the process of getting huge. I can't go into too many details--don't want to let all my secrets out, you know--but let's just say there was lots of squatting and lunging and leaping involved. Let's also say that I was sore before I even finished, which is a pretty woeful harbinger of how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I think the plan is to implement this workout or a similar version once or twice a week, so hopefully my body will adapt to it fairly quickly.
Tanya and I rounded out the morning with a walk to Great Harvest Bread Co. We bought a loaf of cinnamon chip bread, a spinach feta scuffin (that's a scone-muffin hybrid) and pre-ordered a bread bunny for Easter. That's right, a bunny made of bread. How could we not? Anyhow, my hope is that the walk to and from the store will serve to both loosen up the legs after this morning's strength session and burn away a fraction of the calories I just consumed in carbohydrate form.
9+ miles
30 mins. strength training
2 mile walk
PM: 4 miles
This morning I had a non-workout workout basically consisting of three miles uptempo. Like I've done before, I intentionally chose the bike path over McAlpine so I wouldn't be concerned about mile markers and splits, and instead just based my effort on feel. I'd estimate I was running about 6:20 pace on the uptempo section, which didn't feel fantastic but wasn't painful either.
After the run I met my new personal trainer Jeff in the fitness center at school to start the process of getting huge. I can't go into too many details--don't want to let all my secrets out, you know--but let's just say there was lots of squatting and lunging and leaping involved. Let's also say that I was sore before I even finished, which is a pretty woeful harbinger of how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I think the plan is to implement this workout or a similar version once or twice a week, so hopefully my body will adapt to it fairly quickly.
Tanya and I rounded out the morning with a walk to Great Harvest Bread Co. We bought a loaf of cinnamon chip bread, a spinach feta scuffin (that's a scone-muffin hybrid) and pre-ordered a bread bunny for Easter. That's right, a bunny made of bread. How could we not? Anyhow, my hope is that the walk to and from the store will serve to both loosen up the legs after this morning's strength session and burn away a fraction of the calories I just consumed in carbohydrate form.