Thursday, March 12, 2009

Last Day in OK

59 mins.
8 miles
15 mins. core

A few seconds after Jordan went downstairs to sync his Garmin, he returned with the ominous statement, "You're not going to like this." After I stepped outside and was greeted with wind, freezing rain and frigid temps, I was inclined to agree. Definitely not ideal running weather. Unfortunately I didn't have many options, as I was scheduled to fly east in just a few hours. We both begrudging added another layer of clothing and set off in the direction of campus.

About three miles into our rainy run Jordan fielded a call from Scotty, whom he'd tried unsuccessfully to reach prior to our outing. Scotty asked where we were and Jordan informed him that he had exactly 8 minutes to get ready before we reached his house. Moving with uncharacteristic haste, he obliged and was waiting outside when as we approached a few minutes later. From there we proceeded backwards on a familiar route--some would call it the "Meagan Loop" and some would beg to differ--while the rain kept falling at an increasing intensity the entire time. I was not a happy camper at this point, mostly because my Raynaud's was kicking in full force and I was fighting waves of nausea. Once we turned out of the wind I gradually began to feel normal again and was able to complete the run with last night's dinner staying put.

The next few hours passed quickly, and before I knew it Jordan had hijacked Craig's car and was driving me to the airport. I was sad to be leaving so soon after what felt like a short trip, but excited to leave behind the craptastic weather and spend the next few days in sunny Jax for the Gate River Run. Should be a fun few days and a great race atmosphere.