Sunday, January 3, 2010

Week in Review

59 miles
60 mins. elliptical
6 days in San Diego
3 successful Upas runs

I've neglected the Week in Review for the past month or so because, well, I kind of forgot. Besides, there wasn't anything exciting to write about. But without question, I couldn't have asked for a better week than this one to bid farewell to 2009 and usher in 2010. Sixty miles isn't much to brag about when I'm actually fit, but it's certainly more than I've been able to do in many months. Thursday's respectable workout lifted my spirits by proving that I'm not as hopeless of a case as I'd feared. If I can string together a month or two of solid training and stay injury-free, I just might be able to run some decent times indoors.

As exciting as this week's training was, it pales in comparison to the triumph I achieved last night. Several of you may have observed that Jordan wasted no time in skewering me after his two luck-fueled wins at the Trivial Pursuit 1968 edition we found in San Diego. Unfortunately for him, upon our return to Palm Springs yesterday we found that Gary and Roger had been given an updated version of the game in our absence. Obviously a rematch ensued, and I'm pleased to report that I trounced him twice in a row. Somehow I suspect he will neglect to mention this in his blog, so I feel obliged to note it here. This was a delicious way to close out the week.