Friday, January 8, 2010

Way Too Cold

Friday, 1/8
AM: 50 mins. ellip.
PM: 30 mins. ellip. + stretches
2x20 water pump extensions=80

Thursday, 1/7
AM: 45 mins. ellip. + stretches
PM: ~1 mile run, 1 mile walk

It is with a heavy heart that I inform my loyal readers I've had to take a few days off from pounding the pavement. Simply put, this weather ("cold" doesn't do it justice) is absolutely terrible for my shin/leg issue. I left California feeling great and am now reduced to hobbling around every time I attempt to run. I started what I'd hoped would be a delightful evening run with Jordan on Thursday, only to be forced to turn back at the beginning of the greenway due to my compromised state. Friday I didn't even try, instead opting to visit the fitness center a few times and get the blood flowing sans pounding. I've returned in earnest to the water pump extensions, the stretching, the tiptoe walking, the ibuprofen, and the ice cupping. Let's hope this is enough to get me back on my feet again soon. Or, we could move to California permanently....I would make that sacrifice for the greater good at this point.