Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Slightly Better Than "Not Bad"

AM: 50 mins. ellip (incl. 10x2 min. on, 1 min. off; 5x1 min. on, 1 min. off)
10 mins. core
PM:4 miles

Full disclosure: I may have teared up a little bit when I dropped Tanya off at school this morning. She, Coach Simmons, Futsum and Alex were headed to the airport to catch a flight for Penn Relays, and I couldn't help but think that I should've been going with them. This is not how I envisioned my track season playing out.

The good news is my run this afternoon was the best I've felt (relatively speaking) in recent weeks. My foot didn't hurt at all (except for a sore spot on the lateral side where I've been landing by overcompensating) and my legs and breathing were fairly steady. I'll take it.

Also, I found this article in the NYTimes this morning. I guess I'm not the only person taking drastic measures these days.