Monday, April 20, 2009

The Requisite "Marathon Monday" Title

AM: 45 mins. ellip.
15 mins. core
PM: 45 mins.
6 miles

First off, mad props to Aja for running 3:14 at Boston! She crushed her White Rock time by almost 10 minutes. Solid work. I know it was a tough day out there for many people, but I'm fairly certain none of them suffered as much as I did upon discovering that all the TVs were on the fritz in the fitness center this morning. This meant that I did my entire 45-minute elliptical session in complete and total silence. The only positive about that otherwise torturous experience is that it allowed me to think about and prioritize the million things I have to do before finals next week. Nothing like forced silence to help you get your "to do" list in order.

This afternoon I laced 'em up and headed down a familiar route past campus, through Freedom Park and down the bike path. Despite still not feeling entirely myself, I hit the turnaround point almost exactly where I used to PI (pre-injury), so at least this tells me I'm not wogging 9-minute pace. Gotta appreciate the little things, I suppose.

Foot felt decent, some noticeable discomfort when toeing off aggressively. The relative infrequency of the discomfort tells me I'm not toeing off all that often, which means my stride still isn't entirely back to normal. Maybe tomorrow.