Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Easy Double

AM: 59 mins.
8 miles
15 mins. core/stretching
PM: 2-2.5 miles

I was out the door a few ticks before 7:00 this morning to meet up with Jenny G. along Jenkins. I asked a still-sleeping Jordan if he wanted to get up and join us, which elicited a response of "mmmmnnnnmmmm" and a rollover. Guess he's (understandably) tuckered out from his track workout.

The run with Jenny was quite comfortable even if the temperatures were not--it's finally getting hot around here again--but luckily the early start time made things manageable. She's off to Vegas today for a work conference for the next three days, so it was good to get in some QT on the roads before her departure.

I wogged an easy few laps around Andrews Park tonight because I felt like it. That, and the whole "round numbers" thing.