Friday, February 13, 2009

On the Mend

AM: 59 mins.
8 miles
PM: 30 mins. pool

After yesterday's abysmal workout and my lingering sickness, Jeff suggested I take the day off today. For those of you who know anything about Jeff's training philosophies, you know this a virtually unheard of suggestion. I was having none of it and insisted on an easy jog, so he agreed to let me go out for an easy eight and see how things felt.

Surprisingly, my legs felt pretty bouncy despite yesterday's effort. I would attribute this in equal parts to the ice bath and the fact that I've been wearing Oxysocks for the plast 18 hours. Like most days this week, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and by the time I headed out the door after 11am I was completely comfortable (and quite ridiculous looking) in shorts, a sports bra and Oxysocks. My hamstrings felt a bit fatigued the last few miles or so, but overall this was a thoroughly enjoyable jaunt.

A few hours later I hit up the pool with Tanya in hopes of further facilitating recovery. Since everyone knows pool jogging is one of the most mundane activities imaginable, I was pretty stoked to have some company. I'd love to take another ice bath but I really didn't have time this afternoon, so hopefully my time slogging around in the deep end will reap some benefits.