Friday, August 22, 2008

Life is Short, Run Long

AM: 60 mins.
8 miles
PM: Hood to Coast!

Gen and I awoke this morning to a pleasant 57 degree temperature and decided to go for an easy shakeout on the bike path. We ran out and back for about 30 minutes together before parting ways, she to go back to the hotel and me to add on a few more minutes. As I was winding along the path I noticed a bench with some flowers on it. Only as I got closer did I realize it was the memorial for Liz Duncan, a former Brooks custo
mer service employee who was tragically killed when she was hit by a car during a run last year. I didn't know Liz, but she is always spoken of as a beautiful and vibrant girl who touched everyone with her kind spirit and her love for others. I lingered a few minutes at the bench, noting the bronzed shoes and the memorial plaque inscribed with what's become her honorary motto: "Life Is Short, Run Long." I teared up for a moment as I thought about how that has so many life applications, both literal and metaphorical. I sincerely hope that at the end of every day I can look back and say that I have lived that mantra out.

As I type this, I'm sitting at the hotel preparing to head over to our office and board one of the vans that's bound for Oregon. It's hard to believe that 24 hours from now I will have run 3 more times and be completely finished with my Hood to Coast role. I'm excited and nervous and eager to get the race underway. I'll catch you on the other side.


Unknown said...

Give those west coast, cool weather blessed, cheese and wine producing Oregonians a run for their money. Just get on a nice cycle of coffee, run, elevate legs, nap- and remember how jealous some people living in a certain other state starting with an O and bordering Tejas might be. Enjoy