Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week in Review

62-63 miles
5 awesome relay team members
1 bottle of Jordan wine
8 people crammed into a 4-seater
1 giant bag of peanut butter M&Ms

This was undoubtedly the most enjoyable week of running that I've had in quite some time. I'm sure part of it has to do with my legs and feet (and body in general) finally feeling better and back to normal, but mostly it's because I got to spend so much time with friends. Even though the weather at WRM absolutely sucked and even though I was in the hurt tank for much of my race portion, I had an absolute blast out there.

Also, I feel like it's appropriate at this juncture to formally announce my plans for the spring. Many of you who read my blog are already aware, but I wanted to let everyone know that I am quitting my job and going back to school full time in January. Specifically, I'm going to be spending quite a bit of quality time with Coach G-Unit, as I will be running track and cross-country for him at Queens University in Charlotte. Since I didn't run in undergrad, I have plenty of eligibility left to use while studying to earn an MA in Strategic Communication. I am excited, nervous and overwhelmed right now but can't wait to get started. My last official day with Brooks is December 23rd, and at that point I will officially be unemployed and a starving college student. Feel free to send any donations my way in the meantime.