Saturday, April 17, 2010

Freedom Park Saturday

AM: 51 mins. (7 miles)
15 mins. core

I was a little wary about how my stomach would feel after last night's misadventures, but luckily everything seemed kosher today. Jordan and I slept in to the indulgent hour of 9am, then lounged around reading the newspaper until almost 11 before heading out for a relaxed run around Freedom Park. His brand new training schedule from Coach Jeff dictated that he take the day off, so naturally he did just the opposite. Off to a great start.

Normally Freedom Park is jam packed on nice weekend days like this one, but I was particularly impressed by the sheer variety of activity going on this morning. In addition to the standard influx of walkers, runners, dog walkers, baby joggers and cyclists, I also saw the following: a Little League baseball tournament, a group tennis lesson, a soccer tournament or camp of some sort, a bounce house birthday party, a professional photographer snapping some family photos, a yoga class, a few bird watchers, and--my personal favorite--the 8th Annual North Carolina Tree Climbing Competition. Fun for the entire family.