Friday, October 2, 2009

Run #2

AM: 25 mins.
3 miles
PM: 55 mins. ellip. incl. 25 mins. "predator"

I drove down to the bike path that's about a 5-minute run from our house so that I could meet Jordan for a few miles. The 5-minute section I skipped out on consists of an uphill section from our apartment, followed by a downhill section on the sidewalk, then an iffy street crossing to get to the bike path. Hence, I didn't want to waste what promised to be a brief run on crappy terrain. So Jordan ran from the house and I drove to the bike path to meet him. From there we ran to Freedom Park, where Jordan took a spin while I stopped and stretched the hip, then ran back the way we came. I'm not going to lie; my hip flexor is still very tight, but things felt about as good as they did a few days ago. Not perfect, but better than last week. At this point I'll consider that a success. As for the distance/pace, that's just an estimate as I didn't want to ask Jordan how slow we were running. I can't deal with that blow to my self-esteem right now.