Sunday, October 25, 2009

A New Record

AM: 7 miles
2x20 water pump extensions
PM: 30 mins. pool

Yes, you read that correctly; I ran 7 miles today. Trust me, it's a big deal. Had I not been running with Jenna the entire time and keeping myself distracted with our conversation, I'm sure I would've been focusing on nothing but how pathetically out of shape I am. Instead, I managed to make it to the last few miles before I was really laboring.

Post run Simmons showed me some one-legged exercises he wants me to do every day called water pump extensions. Basically you rest your back leg on something like a rail or a bench, do a squat with the other leg, then come up and extend onto your tiptoes. It's supposed to remind all my limbs to fire in approximately the same direction or something like that. Anyhow, 2 sets of 20 on each side was plenty for my already fatigued muscles. Count this as a successful "long run" in the books.