Friday, November 13, 2009

Jogging With Jenna

AM: 15 mins. core
7 miles
2x20 water pump extensions=80
PM: 25 mins. ellip.

With the day off from work and only a small amount of homework on the docket, I was looking forward to a relaxing Friday. Meeting Jenna for an easy run seemed like the best way to start it off, so we headed out to McAlpine just after 8 to get our wog on. Though still sore, I felt markedly better than yesterday, so hopefully I didn't hold her back too much with my pedestrian pace. The air was still damp and windy but we actually detected a few rays of sunshine for the first time in days, which meant that being outdoors was finally enjoyable. After the run it was time to curl up with a cup of coffee and my slippies and enjoy a relaxing day at home.