Saturday, December 5, 2009

Girls' Morning Out

AM: 49 mins. (6.5-7 miles)
PM: Fried pickles

After laying off for several days, I was eager to get out and run this morning...until I woke up and discovered that it was 40 degrees and raining. Yuck. Fortunately/unfortunately, last night when Tanya and Jenna were over we'd made plans to rendezvous at my place at 7:30am for a jaunt. (In hindsight we should've just had a slumber party. Perhaps next time).

Once we finally got out the door, the run was fantastic. My legs felt light and bouncy, and though my left soleus area was a tad bit tight it was much better than earlier in the week. We did a fairly standard loop down the bike path and through Freedom Park, but good company made the miles pass quickly. I was sad to see the run come to an end and face the prospect of an entire day at work, but the bills don't pay themselves.