Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week in Review

50 miles
1 hour 30 mins. elliptical
1 double
2 days off
12k at the Whitewater Center

Happy Easter! True to my word, I took a much-needed down week that included two days with no running, one of those with no exercise at all. It may be a bit much to call this an Easter miracle, but I think my counterintuitive attempt to cure my ITB via the trail race actually worked! I ran 85 minutes absolutely pain-free on Sunday, which is the farthest continuous run I've done in weeks (and certainly the farthest continuous run I've actually enjoyed). I still plan to be vigilant this week with all my exercises and foam rolling, plus I'll schedule an appointment both with Dr. Greenapple and Byron "Hands of Steel" Bullock. With any luck, this time next week I'll be able to confidently relegate this injury to a place in my rearview mirror. What a relief that would be. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend that included lots of snacks and treats from the Easter bunny!