Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to Reality

AM: 20 mins. core
20 mins. pool
PM: 73 mins.
10.5-11 miles

Jeff and I arrived home late enough for me to garner a mere six hours of sleep before practice this morning. I was not too thrilled to wake up before the sun, but I knew I needed to get in the pool and break up the junk in my legs as soon as possible. I may incorporate a few more pool sessions this week if Jeff and i feel it will be beneficial.

After an incredibly busy day that included picking up Tanya and Sean from the airport and filing my taxes (yay refund!), I returned to school for afternoon practice. I had a 12-14 mile long run on tap but Jeff wanted me to incorporate some
speed, so he suggested blocks of 3-mile, 2-mile, 3-mile at 6:30-6:40 pace, with the caveat that I could call it at any time if my legs were feeling dead.

The weather was gorgeous today, even warmer than yesterday afternoon in DC, and by two miles in hardly anyone was wearing a shirt. I ran most of my first interval with Jess (who was doing a similar effort with 3x2 miles), then was on my own for the rest of the run. Basically, the first interval felt pretty good, the second one felt progressively crappier, and the third one just didn't happen. I made it about ~400 meters into the last interval before deciding to call it a day and head back to the Old Bell parking lot. It would've been nice to get in more mileage, but I'll take averaging sub-7 for almost 11 miles.

On a related note, an early bedtime is most definitely in order for tonight. And for the rest of this week, for that matter. I've got some catching up to do.