Friday, October 16, 2009

"You Hate It...But You Love It"

AM: 2 mile run; 1 mile walk
15 mins. core
PM: 15-20 mins. running/ellip.
100 pushups in ~7 minutes
12 minutes P90X abs

Because I'm lazy, and because I just got home from a fantastic weekend in the District and am behind on life, and because Jilane did such an excellent job the first time around, and because her blog is password protected, I'm going to save all of us some time and simply copy her entry from Friday pretty much verbatim. As in same words, same pictures, everything. Don't worry; I promise not to do this for the entire weekend. So anyhow, here goes Friday afternoon according to Jilane:

Ran before work. I think it was 4 miles. Maybe it was 8. I'm really not sure right now. (Meagan's editor's note: I did not do this. But I would be a whole lot cooler if I did.)

More importantly, Meagan and Jordan are in town for Peaches and AWall's wedding, so we at Thomas Circle have the honor of housing the NC duo for the weekend.

Meagan and I had Microsoft Outlooked a run, but I wasn't out of work until about 6 p.m., and the 40-degree pouring rain really wasn't making us excited to get out the door.

Team MJ: Judging by the color of Jilane's face, I'd say this was after
she completed 100 pushups

Ben convinced the three of us to hit the fitness center for some weights ... and for the 100 pushup challenge. WHAT!?! Apparently Ben watches too much Flotrack and wanted to implement a showdown he'd seen. The boys went at it, with Ben breaking the elusive 4-minute mark and Jordan being a huge pansy (he's "sick" or somethin
g) and quitting around 50.

The manly men in action

Meagan decided to get in on the action next, cranking out her first 25 then steadily progressing from there. I jumped in a bit after and took a conservative approach, convinced there was no way in hell I was going to finish. Meago cruised in somewhere just over 7 minutes, while I was just happy to survive, hitting around 14:05. Then we did some x-training, went back to the apartment and did that stupid Ab Ripper X video. Oh, and Jordan and Ben analyzed MRN's stride on the treadmill for approximately 1:30. Somehow we still call ourselves runners.

PS- I'm blogging this on Monday. My pecs and triceps still burn when I type. (Meagan's editor's note: I second that.)