Sunday, March 29, 2009

Windy Sunday at McAlpine

AM: 75 mins.
10-10.5 miles
PM: 30 mins. pool

Back in Charlotte, back at McAlpine. Jeff basically gave me the green light to run as far as I felt like today, as short as six miles if I wanted, and I decided from the outset that I would shoot for 10 miles if I was feeling decent. With the exception of a stiff headwind (~20mph) the final few miles, I felt unexpectedly decent on this run. I stuck with Holly throughout, and when the wind got too real toward the end we ducked onto a back trail through the woods. This added almost half a mile to our jaunt but was well worth it for the shelter it provided.

I did some half-hearted stretching when I made it back to the parking lot but honestly, I'm still too sore to really put much effort into it. Jeff said I probably won't run hard again until Friday...I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. Definitely looking forward to a few days of easy, active recovery.