Friday, January 23, 2009

"Jeff From Cross Country is Our Biggest Problem"

AM: 3 miles
PM: ~2.5 mile w/u
Target: 2x3 mile w/4:00 rest; first set @6:10, second set @6:00 or faster
Actual: 17:55 (5:52, 6:03, 6:00); 17:46 (5:50, 6:03, 5:53)
~1.5 mile c/d
Total: 10 miles

The title of this post actually refers to a sign I read this morning while visiting Campus Police with Tanya to update our ID cards. I noticed a piece of paper posted on the filing cabinet that could be paraphrased as the following:

"The dance studio keys and pool keys are to be given out by appointment only. Coaches should have photo ID to check these keys out. The cross country, track and lacrosse teams have been marking up the floors and taking things from these rooms. Jeff from cross country is our biggest problem."

That's my coach.

This afternoon we worked out at McAlpine, and for the first day since my arrival in Charlotte it was warm enough to wear shorts and short sleeves. With the exception of a stiff headwind along part of the main trail we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful afternoon. I was feeling loosey goosey thanks to Blake showing me some great active stretches earlier this afternoon, and of course I was rocking my secret weapon Oxy Socks, so I was hoping for a good effort.

The original plan was to run the first 3-mile interval at 6:10 pace and I was shocked when I passed the first mile in 5:52, especially since this mile was directly into the aforementioned headwind. I turned around a half mile later and finished strong back to our starting point. Almost everyone else had one three-mile effort on tap, and I was pretty jealous to see them finish their workout while I was only at the halfway point. My four-minute respite was over before I knew it and then I was off and into the wind again.

By the time I reached the two-mile mark I was definitely feeling fatigued, but with the wind now at my back I was on pace to best my previous effort. Jeff shouted out my splits and some parting encouragement from the two-mile mark and then I left him behind...or so I thought. About 30 seconds later I heard what could be described as a wheezing chain-smoker lumbering up behind me and for some reason wasn't surprised to discover that it was Jeff. Just in case you aren't aware, Jeff has been injured for many months and as recently as Saturday was patting himself on the back for completing a seven mile run. He was now in the process of going from a standing start to sub-5:50 pace in one fell swoop. His natural talent shone through and he pushed me to a 5:53 final mile. Given that he started out quite a few paces behind me, we estimate that his mile split was somewhere in the 5:40 range. Solid effort.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited about my workout today. It isn't often that I dip below 6:00 on tempo runs, but today all but two of my splits were well clear of that hurdle. Definitely an encouraging sign and a great start to the weekend.


Jilane said...

i'd like to say i'm surprised...

...but, yeah.

oh, right. fantastic workout.