Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

And just like that, 2010 is over. In some ways it seems to have stretched on forever, considering everything that has transpired in the past 365 days. And yet there are moments from those days that are so vividly etched into my memory that they could have just as likely taken place this morning, or yesterday, or a few weeks ago. I remember exactly one year ago today strapping on the flats for my first tentative workout after battling an autumn full of injuries. I was standing on the track at San Diego High with Jordan, basking in the warmth of...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

(Christmas) Week in Review

81 miles3 doubles4 AFDs6 states and a district (NC, VA, DC, MD, WVA, PA, OH)Yes, I realize that skipping straight to the "week in review" is cheating. I'm doing a disservice to the entire week by not detailing the City Sports run club where we posed for a photo in front of the White House Christmas tree, or my 11-mile run around the Mall with Jordan, or the frigid runs in Ohio where I trudged along solo after Jordan and I traded Achilles injuries....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas To All

Lots to discuss as I am falling a bit behind on the blogging, but this post unfortunately will not provide any immediate amelioration. Instead I want to report that Jordan and I are safe and sound and enjoying a snow-capped Christmas holiday with family in Mason, Ohio. I'm currently sipping a glass of champagne garnished with fresh pomegranate seeds before settling in for a long winter's nap, er, feast; what could be a better way to spend a holiday afternoon? We arrived here on Christmas Eve eve via DC where I made my third trip this past week....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week in Review

78 miles3 doubles0 workouts1 ugly sweater party4 AFDsAm I really typing this entry five days before Christmas?? Holy moly, how time flies! It is incredible to think that 2010 is less than two weeks from becoming a slowly disappearing object in my rearview mirror. Many of my fellow bloggers are jumping the gun a bit to produce their "year in review" lists, but I'll probably hold off a few more days on that. Instead, let's take a brief look at this...

Friday, December 17, 2010

DC in December, Round 2

For the second Tuesday in a row, I hit the road early with the District as my destination. Craft and Karhu is sponsoring the City Sports DC Run Club for the month of December, which simply means that I am in attendance at each of their Tuesday night runs with wear test products, giveaways and of course lots of enthusiasm. Last Tuesday was the first run of the month and it was a rousing success. It was also painfully, take-your-breath-away cold and...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week in Review

45 miles1 double1 day off4 nights on the road (ATL, DC, Raleigh)6 AFDsWelp, my mileage was quite literally cut in half this week due to the Achilles/lower leg muscle thing. On a positive note, I made it through Club XC despite this niggle and was able to run well for the team. On a negative note, it's pretty stiff and sore today. Such is to be expected. I can only hope I'm able to train through it and not compromise another few weeks of mileage,...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Big Day of Racing

Part 1: Thunder Road MarathonResult: Jordan won, 2:24:46Part 2: USATF Club XC Champs3.5-4 mile w/u + strides6k race @21:04 (21:06 in official results)9th place overall team1.5 mile c/dTotal: 9-9.5 milesWow, what a day. I don't even know where to begin, but I suppose chronologically would be the best idea. For Jordan, the morning started just past 5am when he awoke to begin his pre-race prep. He was already long gone by the time I got up around 7,...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thunder Road and Club XC Eve

As I'm typing this entry, we are less than 24 hours away from the biggest racing weekend Charlotte has seen since...well, forever. (D2 Track Nationals was arguably a more prestigious weekend but tomorrow's events will by far have more participants.) As many of you already know, Jordan decided a little over a week ago to attempt to defend his title at Thunder Road. Like last year, he plans to wear the Karhu Racers. Unlike last year, he plans to wear a pair that aren't three sizes too small. Another difference between this year and last is that he...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week in Review

80 miles3 doubles7 days in Charlotte5 AFDsThis entire week was built around Wednesday's monster workout, and it went incredibly well. The flip side is that now my left Achilles is in a bad way. I'm still able to run, but it's stiff and swollen for most of the day and growing increasingly uncomfortable. I had planned to go at least 12 this morning but cut it to 10 after things didn't improve. While at home I've been rehabbing like a madwoman with ice, heat, epsom salts, compression socks and the Stick. Treatment seems to lead to some noticeable...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ladies Run at McAlpine

4.5 mile w/uTarget: ~30 mins. of Caitlin's tempoActual: 5 miles (6:17, 6:13, 5:58, 6:07, 6:09)2.5 mile c/dTotal: 12 milesEarlier this week Caitlin and I responded to an email Aaron sent out trying to rally a group of speedy girls for a fun run at McAlpine. We agreed to meet at 9am, starting at Main Entrance (Caitlin) and Old Bell (me) and running toward each other, and we very beneficently opened up the invitation to a few select guys as well. That said, we had no idea that over 20+ people would rally on a cold Saturday morning and join us. It...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Club XC Nationals Prep Workout

2+ mile w/uTarget:Part 1: 3x6 mins. w/first 90 secs hard, 3 mins. restPart 2: 4xhill loop (500m), 1 min. restPart 3: 5xlake loop (~600m), 2 mins. restActual:Part 1: 3x6 w/mile splits of 5:42, 5:35, 5:33Part 2: 4xhill @ avg. 1:52Part 3: 5xlake @2:00, 1:59, 1:59, 1:58, 1:571.5 mile c/dTotal: 11 milesFor at least a week, Jordan has been scheming to create a workout for me that would, as he rather gleefully put it, "take me to the well." Another time he boasted it would "make me vomit." The closer we came to the fateful day, the more excited he became....